Sunday, October 28, 2012

How to Get Rid of Spots

Tips / Getting Rid of Pimples /

If you want to learn how to get rid of spots then you should first be familiar with how you can bring back the balance in your body. While plenty of commercial products claim to stop acne and prevent it from forming blemishes, some of them actually contain harsh chemicals that can worsen your skin’s natural oil production. To get rid of acne fast and prevent it from leaving pimple scars, you have to start listening to your body as you take the path to clearer, smoother, and flawlessly smooth skin.

The best way to erase blemishes is to prevent acne breakouts before they even get the chance to leave ugly pimple scars on your face. When learning how to get rid of pimples fast and other skin problems, the first step you need to take is to keep your skin free of any dirt. You can do this by developing a healthy skincare routine that can help acne heal faster and keep your skin free of other things that may cause outbreaks. For one, you have to keep your hands and hair away from your face because they contain lots of dirt and bacteria that may irritate your skin.

If you are used to wearing makeup, you should also consider buying non-comedogenic ones. Stay away from makeup that uses oil as an ingredient because they tend to clog your pores. They are also more difficult to remove than oil-free ones. Next, you have to wash your skin after going out or sweating. This keeps your face free of excess dirt or oil that may irritate your skin and cause sudden breakouts. You should also change your bed sheets, shirts, and pillow cases regularly because dirt and dust may accumulate in them.

When learning about how to get rid of acne fast you will also notice that the use of anti-acne cleansing toners and moisturizers are of utmost importance. Skincare products that were specifically designed for acne-prone skin are actually an essential part of preventing acne. Many brands already offer facial and body washes that contain ingredients that counteract the effects of bacteria-causing ingredients. When choosing from cleansers, moisturizers, and other skincare products, you should always buy a full set and stick to them no matter what. Switching from one product to another will only irritate your skin further.

Getting rid of dark spots on face also requires knowing about the types of food that may exacerbate the skin’s natural oil production. Always remember that a strong link exists between acne breakouts and your daily diet. Certain foods may trigger acne breakouts so you have to be wary of them. For example, fat-laden food items can contribute to skin inflammation. Sweet treats such as chocolates and desserts may cause a spike in your insulin levels, which in turn affects your hormones and cause acne outbreaks.

Instead of munching on those tempting goodies, you have to consider eating green leafy vegetables, organic food, and food with low sugar content. When learning how to get rid of spots you’ll also notice that fish oil, yogurt, and food items that are high in Omega-3 fats can lessen your chances of experiencing outbreaks. Aside from your daily diet, you should also improve your physical and mental health. You can do this by managing stress effectively, getting adequate sleep, and exercising regularly to sweat out the harmful toxins in your body.

Now that you know how to control acne breakouts, let’s look at how to get rid of pimple scars fast. A simple and natural way is to apply lemon juice on the affected areas. Squeeze lemon juice into a bowl and apply it over the blemishes. As you learn how to get rid of pimples on face, you will also find out that you can remove the tingling feeling following the application of lemon juice by adding small quantities of water to concentrated lemon juice. Your skin will gradually absorb the juice so it can easily slough off dead tissues that cause acne scars.

Another effective way on how to get rid of dark spots on face is to apply olive oil on blemishes. Before doing this, you have to wash your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry with a clean towel. Once your face has become completely dry, you can apply olive oil over the scars. Gently massage the spots for at least five minutes each. After this, wash your face with a glycerin face wash instead of using soaps that contain harsh chemicals. If you do not want to use olive oil or lemon juice, you can also apply aloe vera over the scars.

You may at times get frustrated if none of the natural remedies you tried failed to produce the results you want in getting rid of spots. If this is the case, you’ll need to look for a safe and effective scar cream that can erase those blemishes and keep your skin looking flawlessly smooth. Revitol Scar Cream can help you. It contains the ingredients that are essential to reducing the appearance of blemishes, acne scars, and other unsightly marks on the skin.

Many people interested in how to get rid of spots fast will want a complete skincare management system that aims to prevent the appearance of acne. Acnezine, another flagship product of Revitol, not only heals the blemishes but also prevents more pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads from forming. When used along with Revitol Scar Cream, Acnezine can produce amazing results in a short period of time.

These are only some of the steps on how to get rid of spots without leaving a hole in your wallet. With a healthy lifestyle and the right skincare products, you will soon win the fight against acne breakouts and say goodbye to unsightly acne scars.

How do you get rid of spots? Share your experience using the form below. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

8 Surprising Causes Of Acne Around The Mouth

As many people with acne have already discovered, pimples can occur in many different places all over the face and body. This includes the area just around the mouth, which is a problem area for many people.

While all acne has the same root cause, hair follicles becoming clogged and filling with sebum (skin oil), the clogged hair follicle can be caused by a variety of things. For acne around the mouth, there are several specific things that can lead to acne breakouts.

In this article we will take a look at the 8 most common causes of acne around the mouth. You might find some of them rather unexpected and surprising…I know I did!

This is probably the most obviously culprit on this list, as many people know that resting your hands on your chin and face can lead to acne breakouts. Still, it’s something that many people do without realizing and it’s something that could very well be causing acne breakouts for you.

The hands and fingers are some of the dirtiest parts of your body, and are often covered with things that can clog pores such as grease and oil, even when we think they are clean.

As you’re reading this article your hand is probably resting on a computer mouse, right? Think about how often you and other people have touched that mouse, and if you’re like most computer users you’ve probably never cleaned it. You definitely don’t want the hand that’s using the mouse to go anywhere near the acne-prone skin on your face!

Most people are a little messy when they brush their teeth, and some of the toothpaste might get on your lips and on the skin around your mouth. While for the most part this is just fine, some toothpastes are actually known to cause acne. Ir’s is unclear exactly which ingredient is responsible for this, but I believe that sodium laureth sulfate is a likely culprit.

Biting your fingers is just an unhealthy thing to do, but you’re probably wondering how it can possible cause acne.

Well, it actually goes back to the first cause we talked about, resting your hands on your chin. Most people don’t realize that when they bite their nails, some part of their hand or finger is touching the skin on their face. It’s usually not much contact with the face, but it’s enough to cause acne for some people.

Certain types of chap stick or lip balm can cause acne. Those containing the ingredient lanolin are especially likely to cause breakouts, as well as those lip balms containing either isopropyl myristate or isopropyl palmitate. All three of these common ingredients are comedogenic, which means they are capable of clogging pores.

The receiver of your phone is likely touching your mouth when you speak into the phone, and it’s probably touched other people’s mouths as well. Phones are a common cause of acne, although not as common as it once was. This is because the cell phones that are popular now are much smaller, and are less likely to touch the mouth, although they will still touch other parts of the face.

This one is more of a cause for men, as they are obviously more likely to be shaving their face then women.

Shaving can actually cause acne in 2 different ways: irritation from the razor, and the shaving cream.

A razor that is too dull, or a shaving technique that is too rough can irritate skin, and that can lead to acne breakouts. Also, certain types of shaving creams and gels can clog pores. One of the recommended ways to shave for people with acne prone skin is actually with the lather from your facial cleanser. It sounds strange, and can take some getting some getting used to, but it actually works great and won’t clog your pores.

People tend to not put much thought into how often they wash their pillowcase, but those with acne-prone skin definitely should! Your pillowcase collects dirt and oil from your face as you sleep every night, and the next night you’re resting your face on all of that collected oil. This can be a cause of acne for a lot of people.

One little trick you can do which is far easier than washing your pillowcase every night, is to simply place a clean towel over your pillow.

Sorry folks, but even well intentioned and loving kisses can cause acne around the mouth. If the person kissing you is using one of the lip balms we talked about, or any other sort of comedogenic (pore clogging) product on their face, It can transfer to your face and contribute to acne breakouts.

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Green Tea And Acne – Does It Hurt Or Help?

Tea has been consumed by humans for thousands of years and many varieties of tea, such as green tea, have been touted for their supposed health benefits. Some will say that green tea has extraordinary health and healing benefits, while others will say it’s all bunk and there’s little benefit in ancient herbal remedies.

So what’s the real story on the connection between green tea and acne? Let’s take a closer look at green tea and try to figure whether it causes acne breakouts, helps clear them up, or does nothing whatsoever.

The most common way to use green tea is obviously to drink it, so we’ll first look at the effects that drinking green tea can have on acne.

Unfortunately, I can find no scientific studies ever performed on the effects of drinking green tea on acne. This means that all we have to go on it what we do know about what’s in green tea, and also what other people are saying about what drinking green tea has done for their acne.

All tea leaves contain something known as catechins, which is a type of antioxidant. Green tea has an especially high concentration of these antioxidants, and it’s one of the primary reasons why it’s so healthy for you.

Tea also contains something called theanine, which is known to boost the immune system and fight off infections. While it is unknown whether this is true or not, it is possible that drinking green tea could help your body fight off the P. acnes bacteria which causes acne.

One negative of green tea is that it contains caffeine. While for most people it’s not going to make much of a difference, caffeine is known to trigger acne breakouts in some people.

Other people’s opinions on what green tea does for their acne seem to be split right down the middle. About half of the people I see commenting about it seem to suggest that it makes them breakout, while the other half of people will swear that green tea help clear up their acne.

Until more scientific research is done on the effects that drinking green tea can have on acne, it’s really impossible to know what it’s going to do for you.

The other method of using green tea for health benefits is with a green tea extract. With this method, rather than brewing the tea leaves into a drink, the leaves (camellia sinensis) are infused into an herbal extract which can either be taken as a supplement, or added to a topical cream to be applied directly to the skin.

Let’s take a look at both of those uses of green tea extracts.

Green tea extract, when taken as a supplement, is known to have extraordinary health benefits.

One health benefits of green tea extract is that is has incredible anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the occurrence of inflammatory acne lesions such as papules and pustules.

Also, green tea extract has approximately 20-times the antioxidant effects of vitamin C. This could possibly help with getting rid of the P. acnes bacteria which contributes to the formation of acne lesions.

This is an area where there has been scientific research performed.

Both 2% and 3% concentrations of green tea extract have been shown to be effective at treating mild-to-moderate acne vulgaris (read about these studies here and here).

Unfortunately, topicals with green tea extract are rather expensive, and don’t appear to be as effective as some cheaper alternatives, such as benzoyl peroxide.

Unfortunately, I can’t draw a meaningful conclusion about the effects of drinking green tea on acne. There simply isn’t enough scientific data out there for anyone to know anything.

But, we can conclude that topically applied green tea extract is very good for the skin, and can reduce the occurrence of acne lesions.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Clear Up Your Facial Acne with These 4 Natural Treatments

There are so many solutions out there for facial acne that it can feel super confusing to know which direction to take first. When I first began to attack my own skin problem, I would just nuke my face with every salicylic acid or abrasive acne solution on the market. Products like Oxy and Clearasil Maximum Strength were piled high in my medicine cabinet one after the other.

My mentality was that the stronger the ointment or astringent, the better my skin would look. Boy, was I wrong!

The truth is overmedicating your facial acne will actually make the problem worse because now you’re overwhelming your skin with irritation. This usually results in a short burst of greater sebum (skin oil) to offset the sudden dryness. The result? More pimples and an endless cycle of acne.

There is hope for you though once you know how to approach your acne the right way. The best method for getting rid of chronic facial acne is built on a layered strategy of 4 natural treatments. I’m going to reveal this effective formula to you right now.

1. Diet – Try not to roll your eyes at the simplicity of this first recommendation. The bottom line is, diet lays the foundation for your skin’s health and all other treatments you apply will either be accelerated or exacerbated by what food and drink you put into your body.

First and foremost, if you’re not drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, you’re not putting in the 100% effort it takes to clear up acne long-term. Water will dilute your oil production because your skin will naturally moisten from the extra fluids.

In addition, water will deter bacteria from collecting in your pores and enable your body to more efficiently flush out toxins.

Keep your diet rich in whole grains, fruit and healthy fats like avocado and almonds. Stay away from any kind of soda, diet or otherwise. Most importantly, cut down if not completely eliminate processed sugars from your diet.

2. Moisterize – If your skin isn’t excessively oily to begin with you’ll want to use a gentle oil-free moisterizer on your face. Start out with a gentle soap like dove because it will clean and moisterize your skin at the same time. If dryness is an issue for you, you’ll want to find an oil-free moisterizer and apply a minimal amount to your skin at night.

The idea here is to decrease dead skin cells from collecting on your face. This results in healthier, more breathable skin.

3. Kill the Bacteria – The first two strategies ensure you’re setting the stage for the healthiest skin possible. This next one is more Proactiv (pardon the pun :) . Proactiv is a popular pimple fighting medicine that contains Benzoyl Peroxide. This is a more gentle acidic solution for killing the bacteria in your pores. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on Proactive, you can find similar items in your drug store at a far lesser cost.

The magic percentage of Benzoyl Peroxide that you should look for is 2.5% to start with. Scale up from there to get more aggressive with your facial acne.

4. Wash Your Face Before Bed – This is so crucial. Your skin is a breeding ground for bacteria at night if you don’t prep your pores by a good old fashion facial washing. Wash off your makeup, moisturizer, excess oil, cologne etc. and you’ll be way ahead of the game in terms of pimple prevention.

Author Bio:

Jason Ellis is an up and coming web author who has been showing readers for years how to apply natural skincare solutions. His strongest expertise deals with controlling a condition known hyperhidrosis(chronic excessive sweating). For years, Jason has researched proven remedies for excessive sweating, how to stop sweating face embarrassment and also deal with excessive sweating of hands and feet.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Acne and Facial Sweating – Is There a Link Between the Two?

If you’ve been suffering for any length of time with facial acne you know how hard it can be to pinpoint the primary culprit. Is it your diet? Do you have some strange allergy to something? Is your skin too dry or too oily? Are you overwashing your face, underwashing your face or maybe it’s the soap itself that’s causing your breakouts?

It’s easy to get lost in all the potential triggers for facial acne. That said, you can cut down on some specific ones. In this article, I’m going to show you how facial sweating not only causes acne but also how it can be controlled to diminish acne.

Let me explain…

See, there is in fact a link between facial sweating and facial acne. That said, it’s not a 100% negative association. Facial sweating can actually have a beneficial effect to your skin – depending on its frequency and consistency (what’s in the sweat).

Let’s start out with the bad news first. If you’re not eating right and your hygiene is off-kilter, facial sweating will in fact exacerbate your acne. If you’re eating oily foods or lots of processed sugars, these toxins will be excreted in your sweat. The more toxins in your sweat, the more residue left on your skin and in your pores.

Bacteria feeds off of sebum (the oil in your skin), so if you’re putting a lot of garbage into your body, you’re going to have a whole bacteria party in your pores.

On the other hand, if you’re drinking a lot of water and taking in a ton of fiber, toxins will be more efficiently excreted through your digestive tract, leaving you with cleaner, less toxic sweat.

Now let’s discuss some good news. Sweat can actually help your skin if you’re eating the right stuff and washing your face appropriately.

Sweat will help flush away dead skin cells and push dirt and residue out from your pores – If as I said, your diet is filled with tons of water, fiber, low in processed sugar, devoid of any kind of soda and contains healthy fats found in avocados, almonds and omega-3 fish oils.

What Facial Sweating Means to You

Just like your car needs clean oil to run efficiently, you’re skin requires cleaner sweat to stay healthy. The sweat itself isn’t the culprit of your acne, it’s the food and drink that you’re putting into your body. Keep that in mind the next time you go out to lunch on a hot Summer Day.

Decreasing Facial Sweat – If you’re looking to decrease your facial sweating in general I recommend you try Witch Hazel pads. Witch Hazel is a natural astringent that will gently dry your skin, minimizing oil and keeping pores clean for hours on end.

If you suspect your sweating is a main contributor of your acne and you’re unable to compromise your current diet, Witch Hazel is a fast, simple solution that will start giving you cleaner skin in about 3 days.

Author Bio:

Jason Ellis is an up and coming web author who has been showing readers for years how to apply natural skincare solutions. His strongest expertise deals with controlling a condition known hyperhidrosis(chronic excessive sweating). For years, Jason has researched proven ways to tame excessive facial sweat, overcome palmoplantar hyperhidrosis and also treat underarm hyperhidrosis.