Tips / Nodular Acne Treatment /
Cystic acne is considered one of, if not the worst kind of acne. Also called nodular acne, cystic acne gets its name from the pus-filled cysts that form on the skin during breakouts. While these usually appear on the face, it’s not uncommon to see these growths on the chest and back as well. Not only is this type of acne very painful, it can spread quickly and cause scarring if left untreated, which is why it’s important to get help as soon as possible if you have cystic pimples. This article lists down the different kinds of cystic acne treatment available.
Before taking a look at cystic acne treatments it’s important to first understand the symptoms and what causes cystic acne. What distinguishes cystic acne from other kinds of acne is the large pus-filled acne cysts that appear on the surface of the skin. The pustules are often inflamed, painful, and feel hard when touched. Some people who have this condition may also feel lumps underneath the skin, although this is a symptom that not all who have cystic acne experience. Some people may also experience having their cystic acne surrounded by other types of acne, such as whiteheads and blackheads.
It’s important to get treatment for cystic acne as soon as possible, as the condition can cause severe damage to the skin, not only causing permanent scarring and forming deep pits, but also affecting the confidence and self-esteem of those who suffer from this condition. The lesions should not be squeezed, or else it can increase the likelihood of permanent scarring.
Cystic acne develops when the untreated acne pustules become further infected, developing pus inside it. The follicular wall of the acne breaks, spreading bacteria and causing even more inflammation. As a response to this, the body releases antibodies to combat the bacteria. This process can then lead to the development of acne cysts, which is the body’s natural way of preventing the infection from spreading.
There are certain factors that can make people more prone to having this condition, or exacerbate their acne problem. These include:
Overactive oil glands - Overactive oil glands are considered as one of the main triggers of cystic acne, as these can make people more prone to developing this skin condition, especially if they also have excessive amounts of dead skin cells in the pores.Bacteria - Certain bacteria can cause and worsen acne.Hormones - Hormones can also cause cystic acne, especially for women. Hormones are actually the reason why adolescents are more prone to developing acne, as they experience an increase in hormones.Genetics - Those who have a family history of cystic acne can also end up having this condition.The above factors play a role on the types of acne cyst treatment that the patient will need to go through.
Let’s look at the different kinds of cystic pimple treatment and how to get rid of cystic acne effectively.
Antibiotics – Antibiotics can be prescribed by doctors in order to treat the infections caused by cystic acne. The downside of these medications is that these only treat the present problem and will not actually be able to keep you protected from experiencing the problem again in the future.Retinoids – Retinoids are a type of medication that encourage the growth of new cells while at the same time preventing old cells from keratinizing. These are usually applied topically and may come in cream, gel, or lotion form. Examples of retinoids include tretinoin, tazarotene, and adapalene. Some forms of retinoids can be taken orally.When taking retinoids as part of your nodular acne treatment be sure to follow your dermatologist’s instructions carefully, as it is possible to experience adverse reactions when taking the medication. Some side effects include dryness of the eyes, lips, and mouth, hair loss, joint and muscle pain, and serum lipid changes. This cystic acne treatment should not be used by pregnant women, as retinoids can cause birth defects.
Hormonal acne treatment - If the acne is caused by hormonal changes, hormonal treatments can be administered. For example, some doctors may prescribe birth control pills to women in order to balance their hormones, which can then help in the treatment of the acne problem. Spironolactone can also be recommended to women who have cystic acne due to a hormonal imbalance.Injections – Intralesional corticosteroid injections may also be used in cystic acne treatment, wherein the medication is directly injected to the pustules to reduce the inflammation. This treatment lessens the possibility of scarring, which is good news for those who are prone to having scars.Laser acne treatment – Acne laser treatment can be performed not only to treat acne, but also to prevent these from forming. The laser is used to burn off the oil glands and follicle sacs in order to prevent the acne from forming. At the same time, it also triggers the formation of oxygen in the skin, thereby killing the bacteria.Microdermabrasion – While not actually getting rid of cystic acne, microdermabrasion may be administered by some dermatologists in order to minimize the appearance of scars due to this skin condition.Acne surgery – In severe acne treatment, surgery may be performed, wherein the cysts will be lanced by the doctor in order to drain out the pus.Holistic acne treatment – For those who don’t want to go through a medical procedure or use medical methods in order to treat cystic acne, there are also holistic methods e.g., home acne treatment that can be used to get rid of pimples. Most of these methods not only address the acne problem but also other health problems as well, by attempting to rebalance the body through dietary changes and other similar methods.Before using any of these cystic acne treatment methods, be sure to consult with your doctor about it, even if you’re planning on using the holistic system. This is because the effectiveness of the various treatments can vary from one individual to another, and what may work for one person may not have the same effect on another. By working together with your doctor, you will soon be able to come up with suitable cystic acne remedies that will help you get rid of your acne problem.
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